Monday, 14 January 2013

Have you tried swinging! Intro to Kettlebells

Well here it is!! 

This video does all the talking! A great intro to kettlebell training and why if you have not tried it you must be bonkers! Plus see me sweating and straining for a change! Enjoy 

feel free to hit me up on facebook:
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Or follow me and my fantastic tweets @FitjoyPT

Monday, 7 January 2013

Sticking in 2013!

Here we go.... 

First Vid of many this month (apologies about the quality-different camera), this vid focuses on how stick exercise and make a year long commitment. Don't be a January and Feb  only person! Don't let those good intentions vanish in six weeks. Follow the steps in Vid and break norm in 2013!

feel free to hit me up on facebook:
Or you can email me:
Or follow me and my fantastic tweets @FitjoyPT

Friday, 4 January 2013

Looking back and Looking forward

Oh Yes

Its about that time, Happy New Year to you all. As we move into January traditionally this is a time people are starting missions to lose weight, change habits, improve Health etc. If this is you..... whats you plan? How are are you going achieve those goals and what are the steps and challenges you will face along the way? Or have you not even thought about it? Don't be alarmed you are not alone, January is a month of great intentions but so often by Feb the dream is over!

Over the next few weeks I am going to be posting a series of videos designed to help you turn goals into logical steps and dreams in structured reality..... sounds cool right? So be sure to tune in!!! I will try to put my usual goofy twist on the Vids as well.

Below is a video clip of Fitjoys mad Christmas Party, we totally rocked it up in a quiet Chichester Restaurant (they didn't know what hit them to be honest), If you were there try spot yourself! If you were not there make sure you are next year because it was crazy.

Bye for now!

feel free to hit me up on facebook:

Or you can email me:
Or follow me and my fantastic tweets @FitjoyPT